Monday, December 6, 2010


It's a bad sign that I have more WIP posts here than finished pieces. I'm in a time of transition, I think, and struggling a little. That's where the lack of focus is coming from, something I should try and remedy, but the struggle and transition aren't bad things. Often, I've found that looking back these are very productive, interesting times for me work and growth.

It also might be that with work going as it is I only start painting at 11:00 pm or later.

Regardless, an idea for a series I've been tossing around in documents and my head for awhile is getting to come out and and play with mixed results. See what you think. Still some drawing problems to resolve I get too impatient with early on. They won't all be girls.

2 comments: said...

I really like the second one, I think the colors are working really nicely together and the pose is really nice

wren said...

There is something really haunting and cool about these images, I'm not sure if the fish have intruded into the human realm, or if the people are peering out from the depths of the sea some place. Really like the painting of the fish on the bottom.