Sunday, February 27, 2011

Process of Peace

This is something I did for an upcoming show called "Process of Peace," in which artists were asked to investigate how they try and find peace in their own lives and world around them.
The show is curated by the ever-engaged and evolving Sarah McCann. She also curated the "What's Your War" show here in Baltimore last year. I'm a big fan of hers.


victoriaying said...

Lovely work!

Colin Campbell said...

Thank you, Victoria! Seeing your work, that means a great deal from you! I've loved seeing all of your wonderful pieces.

wren said...

This one is just great! Love the quality of light coming through the trees in the background and the lighting on the big beast. Getting the lighting right is 90% of the battle/triumph - this piece shows that.

Furman said...

Love the style and the flow to the contour lines. Great stuff.